
Import CSV and JSON data into Kimai

You can import the following data:

  • Timesheet
  • Clockify (Timesheet)
  • Project
  • Customer
  • Grandtotal (Customer)
  • Kimai v1

Supported formats: JSON and CSV


Supported attributes (field names are case-insensitive):

Customer attribute Supported field names
Name customer, name
Account number, account, customer number, customer account
Company name company, company name, company-name
Description description, comment
E-Mail email, e-mail, e mail
Country country
Vat-ID vat, vat-id, vat id, tax-id, tax id
Address address
Contact contact
Currency currency
Timezone timezone
Phone phone
Mobile mobile
Fax fax
Homepage homepage
Color color
Budget budget
Time budget time budget, time-budget
Visible visible
Meta fields


A minimum CSV file (using semicolon as delimiter):

Acme,Acme university Ltd.

A multi column-example:

Acme,Acme university Ltd.,12367800,A longer comment to talk about the project,0011234567890,Europe/Berlin,hello foo 123


Supported attributes (field names are case-insensitive):

Project attribute Supported field names
Name project, projectname, project name, project-name, name
Customer name customer, customername, customer-name, customer name
Description description, comment
Order number ordernumber, order-number, order number
Order date orderdate, order-date, order date
Color color
Budget budget
Time budget time budget, time-budget
Visible visible
Meta fields


A minimum CSV example file (using semicolon as delimiter):

Test project;Test customer

A multi column-example:

My great project,Acme university,A longer comment to talk about the project,1234567890,2019-08-29,hello foo 123


This will import timesheets and create these elements on the fly:

  • missing customer
  • missing projects
  • missing activities
  • missing tags
  • missing users
Attribute Supported field names
Duration Timesheet duration in seconds (if skipped, will be calculated from start and end times)
Tags Comma separated list of tag-names
Exported Whether the timesheet should be marked as exported or not (1 or 0)
Rate The rate as an integer
HourlyRate The hourly rate as an integer
InternalRate The internal rate as an integer
FixedRate The fixed rate as an integer
Billable Whether the entry should be marked as billable or not (1 or 0)
Description Description of the entry as string
Project Name of the project as string
Customer Name of the customer as string
Activity Name of the activity as string
Begin Start date-time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
End End date-time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Date Date in the format: YYYY-MM-DD (only used in combination with From and To
From Start time in the format: HH:MM:SS
To End time in the format: HH:MM:SS
User Username
Email User email (required when creating users)

Supply one of these combinations:

  • Begin and End
  • Date with From and To

User handling

If you let Kimai create new users on the fly, make sure that you configured the default timezone for new users at System > Settings before the import. The user timezone is used when importing the timesheets. If you import users from different timezones, you need to create the users upfront manually.

If you want to let Kimai create users, you have to supply at least the Email field.


"Date","From","To","Duration","Rate","User","Customer","Project","Activity","Description","Exported","Tags","Hourly rate","Fixed rate"
"2020-05-04","15:50","17:51","7260","231.92","","Customer LLC","My project", "Testing","some work has been done","0","foo,bar","115.00","0"
  • Date: format Y-m-d
  • From and To: should be given in 24h format
  • Duration: in seconds
  • Rate: A floating number of the records rate (optional, if you don’t set the value it will be calculated)
  • Hourly Rate: A floating number for the hourly rate (optional, if you don’t set the value it will be calculated)
  • Fixed Rate: A floating number for the fixed rate of this record (optional, you can skip this column)
  • Customer, Project and Activity: will be matched by name
  • User: will be matched by username or email
  • Exported: can be 0 or 1 (0 = new, 1 = exported)
  • Tags: comma separated list of tag names

Clockify (Timesheet)

Want to switch from Clockify to Kimai? Export the data in Clockify, open it in Excel and export it as CSV file.

Attribute Supported field names
Project Project name
Client Customer name
Description Timesheet description
Task Activity name
User Users name
Group not yet supported
Email Users email
Tags Comma separated list of tag-names
Billable Whether the timesheet is billable. Possible values: Yes/No
Start Date Start date of the timesheet, e.g. 7/27/22
Start Time Start time of the timesheet, e.g. 1:00 PM
End Date End date of the timesheet, e.g. 2022-07-27
End Time End time of the timesheet, e.g. 21:00
Duration (h) ignored: instead the field “Duration (decimal)” is used
Duration (decimal) The timesheet duration
Billable Rate (XXX) Timesheet hourly rate. XXX = currency (which is not imported, but needs to be configured for the customer)
Billable Amount (XXX) Timesheet total rate. XXX = currency (which is not imported, but needs to be configured for the customer)

BE AWARE you have to choose the correct date-format in Clockify, otherwise you will see errors like:

Failed to parse time string (14/04/2023 9:00) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character

Grandtotal (Customer)

There is a plugin for Mac invoicing software Grandtotal, which adds support for Kimai.

In case your leading system for customers is Grandtotal, you can import customers from a Grandtotal CSV export into Kimai. Grandtotal calls CSV exports Numbers in the export screen.

Attention: Grandtotal exports its data with column names in the UI language (just like Kimai). Kimai only supports imports for GT exports from the languages english and german, so you might have to change it in Settings / Languages / User interface.


Permission Name Description
importer access the administration screen to import CSV files

By default, these are assigned to each user with the role ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN.
