Public holiday

Configure public holidays for your employees with working contracts.

Public holidays are considered in employee working time calculations:

  • If a public holiday falls on a weekday that is a regular working day for the employee, their expected working hours for that day are fulfilled automatically
  • Any timesheet entries recorded on a public holiday are counted as overtime

Public holiday groups

Public holiday groups help manage location-specific holidays for organizations with employees in different regions.

Default group

The ‘Standard’ group is shown by default in the public holiday administration. This group applies to all employees without a specific group assignment.

Multiple locations

For organizations with employees in different locations:

  1. Create location-specific groups using the Create button
  2. Assign the relevant public holidays to each group

Managing public holidays

Select your desired group from the dropdown menu. If you have a single location, use the ‘Standard’ group.

Creating holidays

You have two options to add public holidays to the selected year:

The button for adding single holidays.

The button for bulk importing pre-defined holidays.

Import feature

The import dialog provides a worldwide location database (in English only):

  • Search for countries (e.g. Germany)
  • Search for regions (e.g. NorthRhineWestphalia)
  • Review and import all holidays for the selected region

Editing public holidays

By editing single public holidays you can:

  • Change full-day to half-day or vice-versa
  • Delete unwanted holidays
  • Add new custom holidays


Public holidays can be edited at Administration > Public holidays.

Permission Name Description
edit_public_holidays Allows to configure public holidays. By default given to Administrator and Super Administrator