
Managing absences

This screen and the Contract menu can be seen by any user that has active contract settings. The Absence screen can be seen by any user that has the absence permission.

Email notification

When managing absences, emails including the type of absence/comment/action/username/date-range will be sent out.

Notification emails will be sent to the user and the supervisor (if one is configured). The supervisor is a setting in the users profile.

Approval workflow

There are 2 phases that each absence has to go through:

  • New absence: moves the absence to the Requested list and sends an email to the supervisor to ask for confirmation
    • Approval by the supervisor: the absence will be moved to the Approved list and an email is sent to the user to confirm the approval
    • Rejection by the supervisor: the absence will be moved back to the New list and an email is sent to the user to inform about the rejection
  • Approved absences: can still be deleted, until they are locked by the


When you are eligible for holidays, meaning that your contract settings have a value for holidays, you can add holidays here.

  • Vacation days need to be approved
  • Vacation days can be full days or half days
  • Vacation days count as working time, so they will be added to your daily working time
  • The time to you daily working time depends on the expected working hours for that day
  • You can book ranges of holidays
  • Days without expected working hours will be ignored when creating ranges


Everyone can enter sickness entries.

  • Sickness days are auto-approved
  • Sickness days can be entered as date-range
  • A sickness entry will always fill up the daily working time
  • If you already entered working-time the same day, sickness will fill up the remaining open time
  • There are no “half-day” entries available, because a half-day of sickness means: there needs to at least one time-entry with 50% of the expected working-time
    • example: 8h are expected, the users enters a timesheet of 4h, the user adds a sickness entry, this entry will fill up the remaining 4h

My child is sick

Use the drop-down next to the “Report sickness” button and select the “Sickness of a child” category.


PTO (personal time-off) entries are for informational purpose, they do NOT influence your daily time by themselves.

  • Time-Off need to be approved
  • Kimai automatically reduces your working time account for that period (because you do not record working-time during your PTO)

Other absences

Other absences are all kind of reasons, that do not fit into any other absence category.

  • Other absences need to be approved
  • Always entered as a duration

Parental leave

This fills up entire days and can be entered as date-range.

Unpaid holiday

This fills up entire days and can be entered as date-range.


Permission Name Description
absence View and access the Absence screen.
edit_own_absence Edit the own absences.
edit_other_absence Edit other users absences.
delete_own_absence Delete the own absence entries.
delete_other_absence Delete other users absence entries.
view_other_absence Switch the user in theAbsence screen. Also influences the visibility of absence entries in the calendar.
approve_own_absence Approve own absence requests.
approve_other_absence Approve absence requests of team members (or whose supervisor is not set).
approval_other_absence Request an approval on behalf of another user.
  • Working times – Contract management and working times
  • Public holiday – Configure public holidays for your employees with working contracts.