
Dashboard widgets and statistic information

The Kimai dashboard displays (so called) widgets. The ones shipped by default can be changed, re-ordered or completely removed.

Dashboard sections

Within the dashboard all widgets are placed in sections (think of them as rows) like this:

            title: dashboard.you
            order: 10
            permission: ROLE_USER
            widgets: [userDurationToday, userDurationWeek, userDurationMonth, userDurationYear, userDurationTotal]

Section settings

  • title - the title of a section, if omitted no title will be shown (default: null)
  • order - allows to define the order of the section
  • permission - the name of a permission or user role, defining who can see the widgets in that section
  • widgets - an array of widget names

Default sections

The dashboard has the following default sections:

  • user_duration - order 10
  • user_teams - order 15
  • user_rates - order 20
  • duration - order 30
  • active_users - order 40
  • rates - order 50
  • admin - order 100 (this section is programmatically added)

Overwriting sections

A section with an empty list of widgets will not be rendered. If you don’t like the default sections you can remove them by overwriting their widget list like this:

        user_duration: { widgets: [] }
        user_rates: { widgets: [] }
        user_teams: { widgets: [] }
        duration: { widgets: [] }
        active_users: { widgets: [] }
        rates: { widgets: [] }

It’s also possible to change the title or the list of widgets for every section like this:

            title: 'some fancy widgets'
            widgets: [userDurationWeek, userDurationMonth, userDurationYear]

Want to hide some rows or show them to a different group of users? Easy! Change the permissions:

            permission: ROLE_ADMIN
            permission: system_configuration
            permission: ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN

Reorder sections

If you want to reorder the sections, you can overwrite as them and change the order key. Lower numbers will be rendered before higher numbers.

        user_duration: { order: 30 }
        user_rates: { order: 90 }
        duration: { order: 40 }
        active_users: { order: 20 }
        rates: { order: 50 }


Widgets can be defined in the configuration node kimai.widgets.

Here is an example of one widget definition:

        userDurationToday: { title: stats.durationToday, query: duration, user: true, begin: '00:00:00', end: '23:59:59', icon: duration, color: green }

Widgets are currently only used in the Dashboard, but the could be used in other template parts as well in the future.

Widget settings

  • title - the title of your widget (will be translated)
  • query - the allowed queries to use for populating the widget data are duration, rate, active and users
  • user - whether the query is executed for the current user or for all users. possible values are true and false (default: false - all data is used to calculate the result)
  • begin - setting the start date for the query, formatted with the PHP DateTime syntax (default: null - a query matching any start date)
  • end - setting the end date for the query, formatted with the PHP DateTime syntax (default: null - a query matching any end date)
  • color - a color name, see all possible names in theme settings (default: ``)
  • icon - an icon alias from theme settings or any other icon from Font Awesome 5 (default: null - no icon)