The name Kimai is a registered trademark of Kevin Papst.
You may not use the trademark in a commercial setting to create the impression that your product or service is associated with "Kimai" or "Kevin Papst" unless you have permission to do so. However, it is permitted to use the trademark to refer to "Kimai" as long as it is clear that you are only referring to the project. You must not give the impression that you are endorsing or affiliated with "Kimai" or "Kevin Papst".
We would be delighted if you would like to talk about “Kimai” and publicise the project. Please just make it clear that your product or service is independent of “Kimai”. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Examples of use that do not need permission:
- Including the Kimai logo on product pages to say “we support Kimai” (like for hosting).
- Use of the trademark “Kimai” in book titles.
- The primary purpose of your project is to promote the spread and improvement of the Kimai software.
- Your project is non-commercial in nature (it can make money to cover its costs or contribute to non-profit entities).
Examples of use that do need permission:
- Physical products that use the name or logo of Kimai, e.g.: stickers, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
- Use of the Kimai logo on a book cover.
- Your project is commercial in nature (run as a for-profit project or business).
Examples of use that will not get permission:
- Naming your company or product after Kimai, like “The Kimai Consultants” or “The Kimai Plugin Developer”.
- Using Kimai as part of your domain name.
- Use the trademark in advertising, including AdSense/AdWords.
When in doubt about your use of the “Kimai” name or logo, please contact Kevin Papst for clarification.