Release 1.4 - New team widgets
04 Oct 2019

Kevin Papst
@kevinpapstThis release contains various bugfixes and some new features:
- improving the new search form (new JS library used) and fixing the “always closing bug”
- new auto-generated user avatars (used in user-list and new widgets, more to come)
- new dashboard widgets for “my teams” and “projects & budgets of my teams”
- czech translations
- show custom fields in data-tables
In the meantime two new addons were added to the Marketplace:
- the Expense tracking plugin
- the Period insert plugin (not available any longer)
Thanks to all of you for using and supporting Kimai, especially:
- all clients and donators, you guys rock and help me to keep up the work for Kimai
- the developers who contributed their time and the plugins to the community
- everyone else contributing at GitHub, too many to name you all …
I hope you all know how to upgrade… if not click here.
Implemented enhancements:
- User view to list the teams names where the user is assigned as a user and as a team lead #1146
- custom fields - User Specific instructions or help fields for end user entry guidance #1133
- Provide full usage of CustomMetaFields #1103
- Profile image #1078
- Composer update #1104 (kevinpapst)
- added czech translations #1075 (kevinpapst)
Fixed bugs:
- upgrade difficulties #1153
- Forgetting duration on timesheet entry gives error 500 and save remains greyed out #1147
- Invoice - Print and preview results are not the same when no users are selected #1114
- Prevent search from getting closed on each selection #1112
- Using the variable ${entry.duration_decimal} and ${invoice.duration_decimal} should always have 2 decimals #1080
- fix migrations for older database versions #1148 (kevinpapst)
- Post 1.3 #1106 (kevinpapst)
Closed issues:
- Upgrading failes during cache:clear #1152
- Branding on FTP installation #1140
- Kimai2 user issue #1139
- Invoice view missing the eye option - the one used for excluding columns in the preview report #1131
- Sorting Activity to a Customer #1126
- Question - How are active users identified in the dashboard view #1125
- Installation doesn’t work #1122
- Error 500 On Fresh Install Of 1.3 #1117
- Team timesheet? #1109
- Plugin won’t register #1108
- Error Installation brand new Debian10, Apache2, PHP7.3 #1095
Merged pull requests:
- User teams in user-list and on dashboard #1150 (kevinpapst)
- fix deprecations #1145 (kevinpapst)
- Fix search dropdown #1142 (kevinpapst)
- fix invoice preview #1129 (kevinpapst)
- Display meta-fields in datatables #1116 (kevinpapst)