Aangepaste velden

Maak vrij configureerbare aanvullende velden voor timesheets, klanten, projecten, activiteiten en gebruikers in verschillende formaten. Velden kunnen optioneel of verplicht zijn en beperkt zijn door toestemmingen.

Kevin Papst
Aangeboden door
Kevin Papst

Allows configuration of additional (custom) fields for: Timesheets, Customers, Projects, Activities, Invoices, User, Expenses (see plugin).


You can create as many fields as you want for each data type, where each field:

  • is either optional or mandatory
  • can be restricted to users with certain permissions or roles
  • can be described with a name and help text
  • has a maximum length of 65535 character

The custom-field data is then available in:

  • Data-tables will display all visible fields
  • Exports (HTML and Spreadsheets include all visible fields)
  • Timesheet exports (include visible timesheet fields)
  • API (collections and entities)
  • Invoice templates (custom templates have access to all fields)

You can change the “weight” of custom-fields, so they show up in the order you define.

Be aware:

  • Sensitive data can be configured as “invisible”, so it will not show up in the previously mentioned places
  • Weekly-hours does NOT support custom fields
  • User preferences (custom fields for users) are not exported by the API (this is a limitation in the core application)
  • User preferences have a maximum length of 250 character

Field types

Custom fields can be of the following type: string, integer, number, duration, money, language, currency, country, color, date, datetime, email, textarea, invoice template, checkbox, choice-list

More about those in the documentation.


## Version 2.5.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.5.0

- Fixed: auto-tags support in detail pages (in cases where many tags already exist)

## Version 2.4.1

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.5.0

- Changed: import Route attribute from correct namespace
- Changed: removed API security definition

## Version 2.4.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.5.0

- Changed: do not load all meta-fields from database on every page load

## Version 2.3.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.5.0

- Changed: moved some translations to core allowing more languages

## Version 2.2.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.1.0

- Use annotation type for routes

## Version 2.1.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Simplified listing view

## Version 2.0.7

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Fixed: prevent error if tag name exceeds 100 character

## Version 2.0.6

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Added: support to display "order" column

## Version 2.0.5

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Fixed: date-time picker

## Version 2.0.4

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Fixed: default value field for new entities

## Version 2.0.3

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Added: Hide "visibility" fieldset in a collapsible box
- Fixed: Hide "default value" field for new rules, as this could cause transformation issues
- Fixed: Using InvoiceTemplate field caused a 500 error

## Version 2.0.2

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Fixed: always preload all rules, reducing SQL count by one for most pages

## Version 2.0.1

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Fixed: auto-tagging creates tag with empty string
- Fixed: code-style for PHPStan on level 9
- Fixed: checking visibility rules on search requests

## Version 2.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0

- Fixed: compatibility with Kimai 2.0
- Added: Tags-autotype to force tags upon timesheets depending on Customer/Project/Activity

## Version 1.24.4

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Fix: 500 upon edge case permission checks for expense meta-fields

## Version 1.24.3

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Added: per request caching of rules

## Version 1.24.2

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Fixed: deprecation with PHP 8.1

## Version 1.24.1

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Fixed: allow usage in commands (invoices/exports => all protected fields will be visible)

## Version 1.24

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Added: new choice (drop-down) field with filter / inline search for large datasets
- Added: Use field type translation in index / listing page

## Version 1.23

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Fix: permission checks for expense meta-fields

## Version 1.22

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Translated field types

## Version 1.21

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.17

- Added support for Invoices

## Version 1.20

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.15

- Added French translations

## Version 1.19

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.15

- Fix API call with entityType
- Change translation file extension from .xliff to .xlf

## Version 1.18

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 1.15

- Added: support 65535 character per custom field value (previously 256 chars)
- Fixed: definitions for new Kimai version

## Version 1.17

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.14

- Added: column toggle dialog
- Added: url field
- Added: improved form layout and usability
- Added: translations for form
- Fixed: deprecation warnings about controller config
- Fixed: better internal API (technical debt)
- Fixed: 500 error when saving empty label
- Fixed: custom fields for expenses being displayed even with deactivated expense bundle

## Version 1.16

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.11

- Added: define key and title independently for choice lists
- Fixed: allow longer default values (eg. for long choice-lists)

## Version 1.15

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.11

- Added: Using new core installer to prevent not-found migrations
- Added: Default visibility changed to `true`
- Fixed: Composer 2 compatibility

## Version 1.14

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.10.2

- Added sorting of custom-fields (only works reliable with Kimai 1.10.2)
- Configure "section name" for user-preferences (to separate groups of preferences)
- Improved responsiveness for small screens
- Added help link

## Version 1.13

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.9

- Fixed translation in overview
- Updated documentation

## Version 1.12

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.9

- Added API to fetch available meta fields (eg. to support apps)
- Allow to use meta-fields in subclass of base entities (for devs only)
- Fix validation bug when updating user meta field #48

## Version 1.11

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.9

- Support custom-fields with expenses
- Added phpstan for static code analysis (internal: no user feature)
- Fixed directory separator for installer on Windows
- Disallow to change field-type after it was created (changing the type causes bugs if the field was already used)

## Version 1.10

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.9

- Allow digits in internal name
- Allow invoice template as meta-field (mainly to be used with projects or customers)
- Bugfix: prevent creation of user-preferences with already existing names
- Bugfix: allow empty help text

## Version 1.9

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.7

- Added "email" type
- Added "textarea" type
- Bugfix: protected fields which were saved, became visible to all users

## Version 1.8

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.7

- Added own permission section for "user roles & permission screen"
- Force strict rules on internal field name: allowed are lower case character and underscore
- Fix reload bug for first time users

## 1.7

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.6.2

- New config, which allows to add a permission/user-role to limit access to a custom field for certain users

## 1.6

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.6.2

- Allow to order user preferences

## 1.5

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.6

- Improve permission handling (auto register for ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN, as preparation for Kimai 1.6)

## 1.4.1

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.4

- Fix compatibility with Kimai 1.4

## 1.4

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.6 (by accident)

- Fix editing checkbox (boolean) fields
- Fix default values for custom fields
- Allow optional user preferences
- Format date/datetime and boolean values in admin list
- Fix problems with invalid date and datetime default values

## 1.3

Compatibility: requires Kimai 1.4

- Support for showing all visible fields and user preferences
- Support for exporting all visible fields and user preferences
- Support to set a label for each field
- Added support for help labels
- Added new database columns (run the update: `bin/console kimai:bundle:metafields:install`)

## 1.2

- Allow date and datetime as input fields
- Added installer command (+ migration support)

## 1.1.1

- Support default value for user-preferences

## 1.1

- Support for adding user preferences

## 1.0

- Initial release


Bestanden kopiëren

Extract the ZIP file and upload the included directory and all files to your Kimai installation to the new directory:


The file structure needs to look like this afterwards:

├── MetaFieldsBundle
│   ├── MetaFieldsBundle.php
|   └ ... more files and directories follow here ...

Cache wissen

After uploading the files, Kimai needs to know about the new plugin. It will be found once the cache was re-built. Call these commands from the Kimai directory:

How to reload Kimai cache

bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod

It is not advised, but in case the above command fails you could try:

rm -r var/cache/prod/*

You might have to set file permissions afterwards:

Adjust file permission

You have to allow PHP (your webserver process) to write to var/ and it subdirectories.

Here is an example for Debian/Ubuntu (to be executed inside the Kimai directory):

chown -R :www-data .
chmod -R g+r .
chmod -R g+rw var/

Database aanmaken

Run the following command:

bin/console kimai:bundle:metafields:install

This will create the required database tables and update them to the latest version.


Updating the plugin works exactly like the installation:

  • Delete the directory var/plugins/MetaFieldsBundle/
  • Execute all installation steps again:
    • Bestanden kopiëren
    • Cache wissen
    • Update database with bin/console kimai:bundle:metafields:install


De volgende tabel bevat een vergelijking tussen de plugin en de vereiste minimale Kimai-versie.

Bundelversie Minimale Kimai-versie
2.3.0 - 2.5.0 2.5.0
2.2.0 2.1.0
2.0.7 - 2.1.0 2.0
1.24 1.17
1.20 1.15
1.17 1.14

Probeer het uit

U kunt deze plugin uitproberen op demo.kimai.org:

Gebruikersnaam: susan_super
Wachtwoord: kitten

Meer testaccounts vindt u hier.


De lijstweergave toont alle beschikbare itemtypen en hun geconfigureerde aangepaste velden
Het dialoogvenster om een nieuw aangepast veld voor Klanten te maken
Bewerken van een reeds bestaand aangepast veld voor Projecten (type boolean, zie standaardwaarde)
De timesheet-lijst, met weergave van het zichtbare aangepaste veld "Locatie"
Bewerken van een timesheet-record met een nieuw aangepast keuzelijstveld


Deze FAQs werden opgemaakt door de maker van de plugin.

You can buy the plugin via the Marketplaces 'Lemon Squeezy' or 'Gumroad' and pay with Credit Card or PayPal. Both offer instant access to the purchases.

Support-questions, bug-reports and feature-requests will be answered in this Github repository

Aangeboden door

Kevin Papst

Building Kimai since 2009

Als u vragen heeft, gebruik dan de volgende contactinformatie om rechtstreeks contact op te nemen met de ontwikkelaar.