Release 1.19 - Billable default option
19 Apr 2022

Kevin Papst
@kevinpapstThe releases 1.19.x were published in April 2022.
You are lucky, despite announcing otherwise is release still supports PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4. But be warned: it’s only tested with 7.4 and developed with 8.1.
New feature highlights from the releases 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3 and 1.19.4 are:
- Configure default option of the “Billable” attribute by customer, project and activity
- Added new “customer” report: month grouped by project, activity and user
Thank you!
Thanks to all of you for using and supporting Kimai, especially:
- everyone who contributes financially, allowing me to spend so much time with Kimai
- the community for all their input, discussions, feature requests and bug notices
- the developers contributing their knowledge and time
- the translators at Weblate
- the security researcher who privately disclose any issue
Thanks for being part of the Kimai community ❤️
Want to upgrade? Click here to find out how.
Full changelog
This changelist contains all changes between 1.16 and 1.17.
You can find all commits here.
Implemented enhancements
- Default option of the “Billable” attribute for each defined activity #3200, #2594
- Added new report: month grouped by project, activity and user #3255
- Show user account number in report export #3224
- Support more complex metafield queries #3228
- Login redirects to homepage if already being logged-in #3255
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate #3208, #3194, #3235, #3221, #3263
- Kimai API billable switch missing #2705
- Better default button label for non-translated renderer #3204
- Improved logic to extract configuration from string #3244
- Allow arbitrary string length for system configurations #3243
- Added interface for saml config #3249
- Added event to extend the detail pages from plugins #3209
Fixed bugs
- Avatar size differences for image URL / no image URL set #3180
- SVG avatars not shown in top bar #3163
- Fixed truncated comments: customer, project, activity, task #3204
- Fixed avatar image size when using images #3204
- Billable of time-records created from recent acitivities in calendar view #3218
- Fix billable calculation on timesheet restart #3225
- Fix relative times in budget calculation in export #3216
- Fixed null issue in project dropdown with activated order number #3244
- Fix budget validation for entries that are moved to another moth #3255
- Invoice: fix amount should be decimal if decimal template is used #3255