Website hosting changed

Kevin Papst
@kevinpapstHi folks, its been a long time since my last posting. Today I wanted to let you know, that we are still alive and work on Kimai is slowely progressing.
We (Severin and I) do know that you are waiting for a release, but we have very limited resources to work on Kimai and could need some helping hands. To achieve a more community driven approach, I migrated the documentation and even this website to GitHub.
Check out the repository:
For the techies: the website is now hosted using GitHub pages with a custom Jekyll theme. Super fun! If you didn’t use it yet, you should give it a try.
If you are interested in helping us with the documentation, the new one is based on GitBook and hosted here. You can simply fork the repository and send us pull requests. We will publish them to the gh-pages branch after merging.
For all of you waiting for the next release: we are working on it! If you could offer your help in testing, that would be great. If you could offer your help in fixing open issues that would be even better :)