Podrška za instaliranje i aktualiziranje

Želiš koristiti Kimai, ali ne znaš kako ga instalirati na tvom serveru?

Kevin Papst
Kevin Papst

If you need help installing Kimai or updating to the latest version, I am available for paid support.

Although all necessary steps are documented, they may cause problems for users who are not familiar with server systems.

In 25+ years of work experience I have seen a lot of different server systems and know that it is not always easy to integrate new software into your existing setup.

If you want to hire me for Kimai installation or updates, please contact me via email.

Required information

Depending on the type of setup, I might ask you for different types of credentials and information. These might be:

  • SSH connection details and user account
  • the database connection and account
  • a prepared domain with SSL certificate
  • login to your hosters web interface

If you use a shared hoster and don’t know what all that means, don’t worry - just drop me an email.


  • Updates take roughly 30-60 minutes
  • Migration from Kimai v1 takes around 1 to 2 hours (not including the setup)
  • Installation takes between 1 and 3 hours (depending on your setup / hoster)
  • I offer a recurring update service, so you always have the latest version of Kimai

Poziv podrške s dijeljenjem ekrana

Ako želiš upoznati Kimai ili podršku s aktualiziranjima itd., možeš rezervirati plaćeni online sastanak s programerom, Kevinom Papstom. Kada odabereš termin, preusmjerit ćemo te na Stripe stranicu za plaćanje nakon čega ćeš primiti pozivnicu za sastanak.

Ako nisi u mogućnosti prisustvovati događaju, moraš ga otkazati barem 24 sata prije, kako bi se događaj mogao ponovo zakazati. Nema povrata novca.


Ova često postavljana pitanja pruža programer ove ponude.

You can buy the plugin via the Marketplaces 'Lemon Squeezy' or 'Gumroad' and pay with Credit Card or PayPal. Both offer instant access to the purchases.

Support-questions, bug-reports and feature-requests will be answered in this Github repository


Kevin Papst

Building Kimai since 2009

Ako imaš pitanja koristi sljedeće podatke za izravno kontaktiranje programera.