Kleinunternehmerregelung für Kimai

Ermöglicht die Verwendung der Kleinunternehmer-Regelung, wie sie in Deutschland und Österreich angewendet werden kann, bei der Rechnungserstellung in Kimai.

Alexander Pankow
Angeboten von
Alexander Pankow

This plugin provides the ability to use the small business regulation, as it can be applied in Germany and Austria, when creating invoices in Kimai.

More information and documentation can be found on GitHub.

Please note that this plugin requires at least Kimai v1.24.0.


Dateien kopieren

Extract the ZIP file and upload the included directory and all files to your Kimai installation to the new directory:


Or you can clone it directly to the var/plugins/ directory of your Kimai installation:

cd kimai/var/plugins/
git clone https://github.com/LiaraAlis/kimai2-SmallBusinessRuleBundle.git SmallBusinessRuleBundle

The file structure needs to look like this afterwards:

├── SmallBusinessRuleBundle
│   ├── SmallBusinessRuleBundle.php
|   └ ... more files and directories follow here ...

Cache leeren

After uploading the files, Kimai needs to know about the new plugin. It will be found once the cache was re-built. Call these commands from the Kimai directory:

How to reload Kimai cache

bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod

It is not advised, but in case the above command fails you could try:

rm -r var/cache/prod/*

You might have to set file permissions afterwards:

Adjust file permission

You have to allow PHP (your webserver process) to write to var/ and it subdirectories.

Here is an example for Debian/Ubuntu (to be executed inside the Kimai directory):

chown -R :www-data .
chmod -R g+r .
chmod -R g+rw var/


Updating the plugin works exactly like the installation:

  • Delete the directory var/plugins/SmallBusinessRuleBundle/
  • Execute all installation steps again:
    • Dateien kopieren
    • Cache leeren


Die folgende Tabelle enthält einen Vergleich zwischen Plugin und benötigter Kimai Version.

Plugin Version Minimale Kimai Version
1.0 1.24.0
2.0 2.0.0
Angeboten von

Alexander Pankow

Web developer

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