Gestión de gastos

Lleva un registro de tus gastos basados en cliente y proyecto. Estos gastos se pueden categorizar e incluir en tus facturas.

Kevin Papst
Ofrecido por
Kevin Papst


  • Record all your expenses and show them in a table view
    • The data can be searched- and filtered (see screenshots)
  • All (billable) expenses will be automatically included in your invoices
    • Negative amounts allow for complex bookings, budget and invoice adjustments
  • Manage expenses via API
  • Export expenses in: Excel, PDF, HTML
  • Support for custom-fields
  • Include expenses in Kimai export module
  • Import expenses from Kimai 1

Expenses will be assigned to free configurable categories and each category has:

  • name
  • visibility flag
  • default cost
  • color
  • help text (will be shown when creating an expense)
  • description (will be copied into the expense description upon selection)

Each expense has the following fields:

  • a date-time
  • category (see above)
  • user
  • project (and customer)
  • activity (optional)
  • description (free text field)
  • the cost (can be hidden for default user, if you use default cost via category)
  • an amount (see it as multiplier, use 1 if you want to charge the cost only)
  • a billable flag (non-billable expenses will not be added to your invoices)
  • an export flag (to make sure, that each expense will be invoiced only once)

If turned on, Expenses count towards budgets and revenue statistics.

Expense summaries are displayed on the detail pages for customer, project and activity.

Invoice calculator

This bundle ships two new invoice calculator:

  • ExpenseActivityInvoiceCalculator one entry per activity, expenses display description
  • ExpenseCategoryProjectInvoiceCalculator - one entry for each expense category, timesheets are grouped into one entry per project

Importing from Kimai v1

This bundle supports data import from Kimai v1, but you need to imported the other data (like customers) first.

An example for the import command:

bin/console kimai:bundle:expenses:import-v1 "mysql://username:password@" "kimai_"


Copiar archivos

Extract the ZIP file and upload the included directory and all files to your Kimai installation to the new directory:


The file structure needs to look like this afterwards:

├── ExpensesBundle
│   ├── ExpensesBundle.php
|   └ ... more files and directories follow here ...

Borrar caché

After uploading the files, Kimai needs to know about the new plugin. It will be found once the cache was re-built. Call these commands from the Kimai directory:

How to reload Kimai cache

bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod

It is not advised, but in case the above command fails you could try:

rm -r var/cache/prod/*

You might have to set file permissions afterwards:

Adjust file permission

You have to allow PHP (your webserver process) to write to var/ and it subdirectories.

Here is an example for Debian/Ubuntu, to be executed inside the Kimai directory:

chown -R :www-data .
chmod -R g+r .
chmod -R g+rw var/

You might not need these commands in a shared-hosting environment. And you probably need to prefix them with sudo and/or the group might be called different from www-data.

Crear base de datos

Run the following command:

bin/console kimai:bundle:expenses:install

This will create the required database tables and update them to the latest version.


Updating the plugin works exactly like the installation:

  • Delete the directory var/plugins/ExpensesBundle/
  • Execute all installation steps again:
    • Copiar archivos
    • Borrar caché
    • Update database with bin/console kimai:bundle:expenses:install

Registro de cambios

Version 2.17.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.17.0

  • Category listing always shows fallback color in dots

Version 2.16.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.17.0

  • Refactoring: new query types
  • Refactoring: use attributes for export service injection

Version 2.15.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.17.0

  • Inline Nelmio API Doc configuration

Version 2.14.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.17.0

  • Added: new filter parameter for API collection call: users[], customers[], projects[], activities[]
  • Added: unify API access permission check

Version 2.13.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.10.0

Fixed: error if category Default was hidden and no other category exists

Version 2.12.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.10.0

  • Added: allow to filter expenses and expense categories from detail page listing
  • Added: reload customer/project/activity detail page after expense was created

Version 2.11.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.10.0

  • Changed: cache permissions in view
  • Changed: support attribute caching in Voter

Version 2.10.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.10.0

  • Fixed: use correct base class for migration - removes Doctrine deprecation warning
  • Fixed: removed ApiSecurity annotation

Version 2.9.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.10.0

Added: System-Configuration to disable time field

Version 2.8.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.9.0

  • Set “now” as pre-filled default value for an expense date
  • Remove time field and set to 12:00:00 internally
  • Fix “not null” category validator does not highlight correct field
  • More DateTime to DateTimeImmutable refactorings

Version 2.7.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.9.0

  • Changed: internal DateTime to DateTimeImmutable refactoring
  • Changed: replace deprecated RestRoute attribute with SF native one
  • Changed: replace deprecated Route vs Attribute annotations

Version 2.6.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.6.0

  • Added: calculate “exported” vs. “not exported” statistics and provide for several statistics
  • Added: sort invoice entries if “expense category project” grouping is activated
  • Changed: re-use “Expenses” translation for configuration
  • Fixed: broken “category” translation

Version 2.5.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.5.0

  • Changed: create default category if none is existing yet
  • Changed: moved some translations to core allowing more languages

Version 2.4.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.1.0

Use annotation type for routes

Version 2.3.0

Compatibility: requires minimum Kimai 2.0.33

Fixed: API pagination compatibility with Kimai 2.0.33


Puedes probar este complemento en

Nombre de usuario: susan_super
Contraseña: token

Encuentra más cuentas de prueba aquí.

Capturas de pantalla

Listado paginado de todos los gastos registrados
Tus gastos se pueden filtrar con la búsqueda que se encuentra en varias pantallas de Kimai
Al editar o crear un nuevo gasto, puedes ingresar estos campos.
Los gastos se categorizan para tener una mejor visión general y opciones de filtrado
Puedes establecer un nombre, factor de costo y texto de ayuda breve para cada categoría

Preguntas más frecuentes

Estas preguntas frecuentes las proporciona el desarrollador de esta oferta.

You can buy the plugin via the Marketplaces 'Lemon Squeezy' or 'Gumroad' and pay with Credit Card or PayPal. Both offer instant access to the purchases.

Support-questions, bug-reports and feature-requests will be answered in this Github repository

Ofrecido por

Kevin Papst

Building Kimai since 2009

Si tienes alguna pregunta, utiliza la siguiente información de contacto para ponerte en contacto directamente con el desarrollador.