CSS personalizado

Un complemento que permite editar reglas de CSS personalizadas a través de una pantalla de administración.

Kevin Papst
Ofrecido por
Kevin Papst

If you want to change the look and feel of Kimai, you can use this bundle to add your own CSS rules.

Examples styles can be found in the documentation.


If you want to add custom Javascript (or add a custom page with markdown content or show a site wide message), please have a look at this item instead: Contenido personalizado


This bundle stores the custom CSS rules in the file var/data/custom-css-bundle.css. Make sure it’s writable by your webserver and included in your backups.


La siguiente tabla contiene una comparación entre el complemento y la versión mínima requerida de Kimai.

Versión del paquete Versión mínima de Kimai
2.2.0 2.17.0
2.1.0 2.1.0


Copiar archivos

Extract the ZIP file and upload the included directory and all files to your Kimai installation to the new directory:


The file structure needs to look like this afterwards:

├── CustomCSSBundle
│   ├── CustomCSSBundle.php
|   └ ... more files and directories follow here ...

Borrar caché

After uploading the files, Kimai needs to know about the new plugin. It will be found once the cache was re-built. Call these commands from the Kimai directory:

How to reload Kimai cache

bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod

It is not advised, but in case the above command fails you could try:

rm -r var/cache/prod/*

You might have to set file permissions afterwards:

Adjust file permission

You have to allow PHP (your webserver process) to write to var/ and it subdirectories.

Here is an example for Debian/Ubuntu, to be executed inside the Kimai directory:

chown -R :www-data .
chmod -R g+r .
chmod -R g+rw var/

You might not need these commands in a shared-hosting environment. And you probably need to prefix them with sudo and/or the group might be called different from www-data.


Updating the plugin works exactly like the installation:

  • Delete the directory var/plugins/CustomCSSBundle/
  • Execute all installation steps again:
    • Copiar archivos
    • Borrar caché


Puedes probar este complemento en demo.kimai.org:

Nombre de usuario: susan_super
Contraseña: kitten

Encuentra más cuentas de prueba aquí.

Capturas de pantalla

La nueva página de administración con todas las reglas predefinidas disponibles
Vista de hoja de tiempo predeterminada antes de usar las reglas
Vista de hoja de tiempo con reglas personalizadas activadas para resaltar registros activos y ocultar registros superpuestos
Ofrecido por

Kevin Papst

Building Kimai since 2009

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