
Running Kimai inside docker

We offer Kimai Docker images, both for development and a docker-compose setup suitable for running in a production environment. Any issues with the container rather than the application itself can be raised here.

The Docker Hub repo, where you find the auto-building prod and dev containers for Kimai is:

Available tags

  • kimai/kimai2:apache: the latest Kimai version bundled in an Apache container, needs a reverse proxy only
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm: the latest Kimai version bundled in PHP-FPM Alpine container (smaller image, but needs extra setup steps)
  • kimai/kimai2:latest: same as kimai/kimai2:fpm
  • kimai/kimai2:dev: development image based on Apache, only to be used locally with debug mode and more

Each new release creates tag names containing the Kimai release number:

  • kimai/kimai2:apache-x.xx.x: version specific release (Apache container)
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm-x.xx.x: version specific release (PHP-FPM container)

The following tags are deprecated and will not receive updates anymore, replace them:

  • kimai/kimai2:apache-prod: replaced by kimai/kimai2:apache
  • kimai/kimai2:apache-latest: replaced by kimai/kimai2:apache
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm-prod: replaced by kimai/kimai2:fpm
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm-latest: replaced by kimai/kimai2:fpm
  • kimai/kimai2:prod: replaced by kimai/kimai2:fpm
  • kimai/kimai2:apache-dev: replaced by kimai/kimai2:dev
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm-dev: no replacement
  • kimai/kimai2:apache-x.xx.x-dev: no replacement
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm-x.xx.x-dev: no replacement
  • kimai/kimai2:apache-x.xx.x-prod: replaced by kimai/kimai2:apache-x.xx.x
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm-x.xx.x-prod: replaced by kimai/kimai2:fpm-x.xx.x

Quick start

This will run the latest production build and make it accessible at http://localhost:8001.

  1. Start a DB

     docker run --rm --name kimai-mysql-testing \
         -e MYSQL_DATABASE=kimai \
         -e MYSQL_USER=kimai \
         -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=kimai \
         -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=kimai \
         -p 3399:3306 -d mysql
  2. Start Kimai

     docker run --rm --name kimai-test \
         -ti \
         -p 8001:8001 \
         -e DATABASE_URL=mysql://kimai:kimai@${HOSTNAME}:3399/kimai?charset=utf8mb4&serverVersion=8.3.0 \
  3. Add a user using the terminal

     docker exec -ti kimai-test \
         /opt/kimai/bin/console kimai:user:create admin ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
  4. Stop the containers

     docker stop kimai-mysql-testing kimai-test
  5. When you are finished testing Kimai, you can remove the containers (warning: you will lose your data!).

     docker rm kimai-mysql-testing kimai-test

If you are happy with Kimai, you can now setup your Docker installation using Docker Compose.

Updating Kimai

The usual update step is simple: stop, pull latest version, restart.

This example is based on the Apache image used with the Docker compose plugin:

# Pull latest version
docker compose pull
# Stop and remove older version
docker compose down
# Start the container
docker compose up -d

FPM image

The FPM image will need to be upgraded with a manual step. Because the FPM image will have a HTTP proxy (e.g. caddy or nginx) serving the static assets the public directory is mounted into that container. This is done via volumes:

version: '3.5'
        image: kimai/kimai2:latest
            - public:/opt/kimai/public
            - public:/opt/kimai/public:ro

When the kimai image is updated, and the container is restarted any new assets in the public directory are never included. These will be things like CSS files, images and especially version specific javascript code! To fix this you need to copy the newer files from a fresh image over the top.

# You might need to use `docker volume ls | grep kimai` to find the name of your Kimai "public" volume
docker run --rm -ti -v kimai_public:/public --entrypoint /bin/bash kimai/kimai2
#                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> Kimai public volume
cp -r /opt/kimai/public /

Now you’ll need to tell the running kimai to update its assets:

docker-compose exec kimai /opt/kimai/bin/console assets:install

That should do it.

Runtime Arguments

The following settings can set at runtime:

PHP memory limit

The maximum amount of memory a script may consume,


Kimai settings

See the Kimai and Symfony docs for more info on these.


Start up values:

If set, then these values will be used to create a new admin user (if not yet existing).


Changing UID and GID

It is possible to set the user that FPM or Apache run as. If the user does not exist a new user called www-kimai is created and the server is then run under that user. Note these must be numbers, not names.


Alternate DB config

It is possible to pass the DB config in individual values. If the ENV variable DB_TYPE is set then the following values will be expected:

The DB_TYPE must be mysql:

  • DB_USER defaults to kimai
  • DB_PASS defaults to kimai
  • DB_HOST defaults to sqldb
  • DB_PORT defaults to 3306
  • DB_BASE defaults to kimai

The official docker documentation has more options on running the container.

Tips & Tricks

If you’re using Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac, and you’re getting “Connection refused” or other errors, you might need to change ${HOSTNAME} to host.docker.internal. This is because the Kimai Docker container can only communicate within its network boundaries. Alternatively, you can start the container with the flag --network="host". See here for more information.
