
Updating your Kimai docker image


When Kimai runs inside the docker container, logging is reconfigured to use stderr which can be seen within the docker container logs. See View container logs on how to access them.

NGINX and proxying

While outside the direct responsibility of this project we get a lot of issues reported that relate to proxying with NGINX into the FPM container.

Note that you will need to set the name of your NGINX container to be in the list of TRUSTED_HOSTS when you start the Kimai container.


If you are mounting the code base into the container (-v $PWD/kimai:/opt/kimai) then you will need to fix the permissions on the var folder.

docker exec --user root CONTAINER_NAME chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/kimai/var


docker-compose --user root exec CONTAINER_NAME chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/kimai/var

500 Server errors

Around nine out of ten of the bugs raised are related to the TRUSTED_HOSTS value. If you get a 500 then check that the TRUSTED_HOSTS environment variable is set to either your hostname or the hostname of your proxy server (nginx etc). In the docker-compose environment that is the container name of the nginx container.

Older version

While we do backport bug fixes we only thoroughly test them against the latest release of Kimai. We keep the older tags available for those who do not wish to upgrade, but if you encounter a bug then first retest after pulling the latest tag before raising an issue.

Allowed memory size exhausted

If you encounter an error like Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted during cache reload, you can instruct PHP to use more memory for that one call with passing the memory limit as runtime parameter:

php -d memory_limit=1G ../../bin/console kimai:reload --env=prod