Plan change

How to upgrade or downgrade your current plan

How can I switch to a higher plan?

In order to change to a higher plan, the following data is required:

  • Invoice recipient, invoice address incl. country and if available their VAT ID
  • A verified credit or debit card or SEPA bank details

To upgrade, go to the My Kimai Cloud page and select the desired plan.

After clicking on the Change plan button, you will be taken to an overview page, which lists the expected monthly costs.

After confirmation, you will be taken to the entry of your payment method. Your plan change will be activated a few minutes after confirmation of the payment provider.

How can I switch to a lower plan?

Currently this is not possible online, please contact the support.

Switching from a higher to a lower plan is possible at any time, but will only take effect at the end of the current billing period. But this can only happen, if you do not exceed the (user) limits of the lower plan.
