
How billable times are configured and what they do

The billable field is used to determine if timesheet entries should be included in invoices, budget calculations and certain statistics. The API supports filtering for the billable field as well.

The following permissions define if a user is allowed to set the timesheet field:

  • edit_billable_own_timesheet - for own timesheet, by default assigned to: Teamlead, Administrator and System-Admin.
  • edit_billable_other_timesheet - for timesheet of other users. By default, assigned to: Teamlead, Administrator and System-Admin.


Users with the billable permissions will see a dropdown (select-box) with 3 entries: Automatic, Yes and No.

  • Yes: timesheet is billable
  • No: timesheet is not billable
  • Automatic (default): will lead to a detection of the billable state (explained below)

The billable configuration

Each of the 3 level entities Activity, Project and Customer have a billable flag, which defines whether a timesheet for it should be billable or not.

By default, each existing and new entity is billable. If you have certain entities that cannot be billed to customers (e.g. an Activity for internal work), then the billable checkbox on that entity should be deactivated. All new timesheet using this internal activity will then not be billable, if they were created with the Automatic billable mode.

Automatic detection

By default, every new timesheet uses the Automatic billable detection mode. That means: after saving the entry, the billable field will be detected by the settings in the timesheet linked Activity, Project and Customer.

If any of those is not billable, the timesheet is not billable as well.

In other words: in order for a timesheet to be detected as billable, the Activity, Project and Customer needs to be billable as well.

Users owning the edit_billable_own_timesheet permission can always manually override the Automatic mode and choose directly whether the

Hiding the billable field

Hiding the billable form field with CSS is NOT recommended. To remove the field, you should instead remove the permission for the user group.
